With different additional sessions we would like to enable different approaches to God and His speaking. Come by and have a look!
Prophetic Prayer
God speaks to you personally. For example, through inner images or impressions. We take about a quarter of an hour and listen together to what God has on his heart for you. We share these impressions with you and then bless you for your onward journey.
Dates: Jeden 1. Samstag im Monat von 15:00 bis 17:00 Uhr (definitive Daten siehe unten)
Place: Prayer Room
Registration: On site on the respective Saturday from 14.45 in the prayer room
Unfortunately, there will be no sets in hop Basel in the near future. Check back later!
Refresh! Heilungs - & Segnungsgebet
God is with us and for us! In this faith we pray and trust that HE works in our lives holistically on body, mind and soul. Our God heals, soothes, strengthens, comforts, blesses, gives us support and guidance, renews us and gives us His perspectives.
The set starts with praise and worship with a biblical text. This allows you to arrive in "your soul garden" and be in conversation with God. Afterwards, we take time to pray for you and your intentions. No registration is necessary.
Dates: Every 3rd Saturday of the month (see below for definite dates).
Ort: Prayer Room
Unfortunately, there will be no sets in hop Basel in the near future. Check back later!
Entrepreneur's Prayer
With the Entrepreneur's Prayer we want to create a network of Christians in leadership responsibility. Our heart is to offer a platform for leaders to exchange and encourage one another so that there would be greater unity and the biblical values and God's blessings would become manifest in the business world. Central to this time is the joint prayer for concerns about the everyday, professional life. Dates and details at www.unternehmergebet.ch.
Dates: Jeden 3. Freitag im Monat von 06:30 bis ca. 07:45 Uhr.
Ort: Taste&See
Registration: Erstbesucher sind gebeten, sich vorgängig anzumelden.
Color Praise
God speaks to you while you are painting, child-like and free. He gives you a picture, a word or an experience. In these two hours, it is not your grade in drawing class that matters, but your experience with God. You will receive a short input at the beginning, and at the end, if you wish, you will have the opportunity to share your experience with others. Come and experience your surprise from God!
Date: Every 1st Saturday of the month from 15:00 to 17:00 (see below for definite dates).
Meeting point: 11.00 in the 3rd basement
Registration: Until the Friday before the color praise
Unfortunately, there will be no sets in hop Basel in the near future. Check back later!
Soundblessing – Play&Pray
The Holy Spirit inspires us to play in musical freedom what He has on His heart. We love to find new sounds and harmonies without notes and prior arrangements and bring them together into a whole. Come along and dive in!
This set runs in collaboration with Crescendo Basel.
Dates: jeden 3. Mittwoch im Monat 19.00-21.00 (definitive Daten siehe unten)
Ort: Prayer Room
Registration: For visitors without registration.
The House of Prayer Basel is supported by donations. Basler Kantonalbank, P.O. Box, CH-4002 Basel, IBAN CH14 0077 0253 1724 3200 1
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