We want to learn and understand more and more who God is. We support this by inviting people from different institutions and church initiatives to inspire us with their insights. Since the main purpose of hop Basel is the continuous worship of God, we want to interrupt the sets as little as possible and hold events only occasionally.
Our Special Sessions, such as (Color Praise, Prophetic Prayer, Refresh! and others) take place parallel to the sets in the prayer room. The current dates®istration forms for these can be found here.
No event will take place in the near future.
Information on the regular program at hop Basel can be found in the prayer room calendar and under Special offers.
Zur Zeit finden keine weiteren Veranstaltungen statt
Informationen zum regelmässigen Programm
im hop Basel findet ihr im Prayer Room Calender und unter Special Sessions.
The House of Prayer Basel is supported by donations. Basler Kantonalbank, P.O. Box, CH-4002 Basel, IBAN CH14 0077 0253 1724 3200 1
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